Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Safe Place

I found this lovely story which I encouage you to read at all cost.

   A dear friend of mine who was quite a lover of the chase, told me the following story: “Rising early one morning,” he said, “I heard the baying of a score of deerhounds in pursuit of their quarry. Looking away to a broad, open field in front of me, I saw a young fawn making its way across, and giving signs, moreover, that its race was well-nigh run. Reaching the rails of the enclosure, it leaped over and crouched within ten feet from where I stood. A moment later two of the hounds came over, when the fawn ran in my direction and pushed its head between my legs. I lifted the little thing to my breast, and, swinging round and round, fought off the dogs. I felt, just then, that all the dogs in the West could not, and should not capture that fawn after its weakness had appealed to my strength. So is it, when human helplessness appeals to Almighty God.

Well do I remember when the hounds of sin were after my soul, until, at last, I ran into the arms of Almighty God.”

A. C. Dixon

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

19th Anniversary Yesterday.

Yep folks Yesterday was our 19th Anniversary.  Scary thought though, seeing it only feels like a couple of years ago. Still it's great to be able to say we are still in love after all that time. The Lord has been exceptionally good to us in that time. Indeed we can simply say that He supplies all our need.  What a God, what a Saviour.  As a hymn writer once expressed, " Oh ! what a Christ have I !".    Ber is still in love with me too. What a joy she is .

I'm Sick ! I just don't feel sick!

I hate being unwell, particularly when I feel fine. I got up Sunday morning with a rash on both my arms and fingers and feet.  Came home from work last evening with a sore left foot, took off my shoes and socks and, after the house was deemed safe to re-enter discovered a number of very large water blisters. YUCH !  Went to a Doctor this morning and he told me my autoimmune system had flared up. I'm on steroids now ! He wants me to stay out of work for a few days.  I hate being out.  HEY ! am I getting any sympathy here !?