Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A Step in the right direction
Well, with encouragement from my Physio yesterday and under the eye of my own personal bodyguard (B), I climbed the stairs today. That is quite a Huge Step forward for me. I was able to sit down to my Easel for the first time in 6 weeks. I'm like a greyhound out of it's trap........raring to go.
Monday, November 23, 2009
X Rayted Report
Wayhay ! Just in from the Hospital Clinic. My Xray shows excellent progress (Pelvis). The Doc says I can start using my toes on the right foot for balance. This takes alot of pressure off the leg itself as I have been having to carry it for the last 5 weeks. I am moving faster on the crutches because of it. But I've a long way to go yet to reach full recovery. 6 weeks using toe pressure and gradually building up to possibly 50% weight on the leg. Another 3 weeks after that I may be able to put full pressure on it, with crutches. If all that goes well I should be able to discard the sticks. What happens after that Heaven knows.
Not bad since it's only 5 weeks tonight (23:45) since the3 BIG BANG.
Not bad since it's only 5 weeks tonight (23:45) since the3 BIG BANG.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled,we shall be saved by his life. Romans 5:10
The Night I Almost went Home
Monday night 23:40, October19th 2009.
Got to leave work earlier than usual, a wet miserable night in Cork City does not entice too many to stay in town. The Car Park is empty, all Lock up procedures completed and I can hardly credit that I could be home before Midnight.
What seems like only two minutes later I seem to be somewhere strange. There are people talking to me through the drivers window, calming voices asking me my name, date of birth, age and where I was coming from and going to. I knew I was in my car, but for what ever reason I could not figure why I was on Patricks Bridge staring down Patrick St. It did'nt make any sense. I should have been on Merchants Quay.....what's going on. I remember becoming aware that I must have been in an accident and thought, "Lord tell me this is a horrible dream!". Another voice, female, calm and caring asked if there was anyone at home. I told the lady (a Garda) that I was concerned for Ber as she would get an awful shock. She told me someone was calling to her. Then the rescue crew started to cut me out. They cut my uniform off as well, No time for modesty here. The Fire Crew put a swivel under my bottom turned me placed be on a board and loaded me on to the ambulance. A Garda called Michelle assured me Ber would be waiting at the Hospital. It seemed like a minute, but I was being rushed in to A&E and after initial checks, my vital signs seemed to be okay but then there were the scans and a tube inserted into a rather delicate place for a bag for my bladder. Modesty is definitely gone for a burton. Morphine drip and oxygen was supplied all night, though I felt I was aware of all that was going on around me.
end of round 1
After a few hours in the recovery room, where a Doctor stayed, observing my state in case there was any problems with the head that might not have shown up. Eventually I was transferred via the 'Mary Hearney Corridor', to a ward. I remained there for the most of the day. Finally I was moved up to St.Marys Orthopedic Hospital in Gurranabragher for my recouperation.
1 Week On.
Tuesday 27th Oct.
As is par for the course the lights come on in Block 1 ( the ward) at about 6:30 a.m.. Maragret, one of the Night Nurses adds " it is now over a week since tbe Accident". Where did that time go? and could the rest of it go just as quick. No definite advancements yet either in my treatment or investigation of the crash. But I 've got my laptop so I can keep myself occupied.
Wednesday 28th Oct.
After a good nights rest I feel in better form. The X-ray will be done at the end of the week and that will determine whether they can move me out on to a chair sooner. he ceiling is looking nice this morning. It is the only scenery after all.
Friday 30th Oct.
Things are looking up. I got to go for my x-ray today so had a change of scenery for 30 minutes. Bliss. Back in my ward now and the ceiling has not been changed. Oh well! here we go again. We'll have to see what Dr. Gul has to say.
No sign of the Gul but the young doctor in residence reckons my ring finger is fractured towards the tip. More X rays on Monday.
Saurday 31st Oct.
Nothing happening today. The ceiling is looking bright today....the sun is shining outside. I'm being moved to another room this evening. Rose, a nurse that ai bribe with 'sweeties', says she has found me a corner bed in room 18, which holds about 12 beds. It is next to the loo as well for when I am able to shuffle about.
Sunday 1st Nov.
Met my two room mates today. Jerzy, a Polish man who had his arm crushed at work. Nice guy with good english, and Ollie a young dad (baby boy 3 weeks old) who had his two legs crushed in a road accident a while back and suffers recurring problems with his knees. They are good company. At least in this room I am facing a window so I see daylight.......good therapy.
Tuesday 3rd.Nov
After a very dissapointng few days where my stomach was out of sorts, the day has begun with a lovely sunny morn. I hope this is the harbinger of better things today.
I have'nt see the Gul yet this week but I'm praying he will start me sitting out for a while. Mentally and spiriually I feel it would give me the lift I most definitely need at this time. I've been very weepy, feeling sorry for my self a lot. Oh to know the Grace of God to just look up and unto Him for all my help, health and strength. Visit from Mr. Gul at 16:45, I get to sit out tomorrow. I get Physio over the next 2 1/2 days and all going well I will be sent home sometime Friday.
Wednesday 4th Nov
Sat out for the first time since my accident. Legs weak as I was advised. Will wait for the Physio to get me operating on crutches. Used a walking aid to travel about 7-9ft. and had to lie down. However, nature can be a handy encourager at times......(Loo Time)
and after the first visit, with the help of 2 nurses, I was able to make the visit twice more by myself. I can tell you I was quite happy with myself. Maybe the Friday release is possible.
Friday 6th Nov.
Major dissapointment today. Having gotten splints for my two fingers, both broken on the top joint, and having seemingly negotiated my set of crutches in a successful manner, I am informed that the X Ray Dept. was closed today. This means that as they require a final one to be certain of leaving me home...... I'm stuck here in bed No.8 for the weekend. Yuch!
Saturday 7th. Nov.
Outside it is dull, wet and miserable. At least being in hospital I am dull, dry and miserable. There is normally something positive in a day. That 'dry' bit was it.
Sunday 8th. Nov.
Outside is bright and cheery. Staff feel more confident that I'll be out tomorrow. I hope so. Like the song from 'Les Miserables' goes....." One more day..."
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Okay, after enjoying a beautiful day on Wednesday, our hearts sank this morning as we looked out of our 18th floor window and saw........Rain !. But being the positive types we donned our jackets and Ber packed her Fashion Accessory a.k.a. The Brolly. Boy did it rain!, we had to content ourselves with the possibility of a day of window shopping. It actually seemed to be getting heavier the further Downtown we went. We went towards Friedrichstrasse, which is one of the main shopping streets on the East side and which was one of the crossing areas from East to West when such crossings were allowed. We dodged the drops to make our way to Checkpoint Charlie and discovered that the Holocaust memorial was very near to that.
As we surveyed a myriad of sculpted blocks here, the rain stopped and the sun began to show. We went around a corner from this and discovered remnants of 'the Wall'. In between snacks we made our way to the Brandenberg Gate and along the Strasse des 17Juni, on either side of this broad and beautiful road was the Tiergarten.
A Vast Green Belt. We eventually arrived at Charlotteburg, the heart of the West side. I don't think we realised how far we had walked, though our feet did. We used day 2 of our Discover Berlin Bus passes to do an evacuation to Alexanderplatz and our Hotel room.
What a day.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Berlin Day 1 Wednesday 7th
Day 1
Our first full day in Berlin was an eye opener. Firstly we realised that the train station was less than a hundred yards from the Park Inn Hotel where we were staying. On our arrival the previous night we took a taxi from the Airport which set us back 40 euro. The train fair was 2.80 each. Something to bear in mind for the next time. Wednesday morning was spent on a city bus tour which took us through from East - West Berlin and lasting 2 hrs it gave us a fair idea of the City and its most important aspects. Temperatures were touching the low 20's so it was very pleasent indeed. Again one was struck by the pure vastness of the place and the enormity of its amenities. Very iser friendly. Wide Boulevards edged by large Autumnal Parks. We were falling in love with the place already.....and we barely looked at shops. WOW !
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Art Rant
What makes me MAD.
When it comes to Art I can truly say there is much, in which I take pleasure. Be it the skill of the hand or the intelligence of colour and atmosphere applied to the work I can stand back and appreciate true Art. What I absolutely HATE is the tendency of some artists to give an in depth appreciation of their Artistic style and influence and actually exhaust the limits of ones credulity with a language normally accredited to University Lecturers. I was reminded of this while reading an Art Magazine recently. This poor boy was responding to the question, "What are you currently working on and what gave rise to this work?"
His answer was thus: "My practice is a continual process that constantly evolves and transforms. I see the work as all being part of a greater ' whole'. ( I'm getting lost already). Recently, my interest in texture and form has enabled my work to develop into three dimensions. Current works are exploring questions thrown up by this transformation in relation to the concerns that are at the core of my work. ( Yawwwn ) These new questions relate to form, space and the relationship with the audience.
If this young man were to be honest and having seen a sample of his' work ' in the mag. he'd have been better saying, " Look ! I went on a bender for a weekend, threw up all over the floor, woke up next morning and said Hey ! that looks good !".
My own Art Philosophy is this: I love nature. If I see something in a scene which makes me gasp, I attempt to capture it on canvas. That's it !. I prefer Realism as against Abstract, though some Abstract can be excellent. But Artists should restrict their Abstractions to their Paint works and leave it out of their self assessments.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A Safe Place
A dear friend of mine who was quite a lover of the chase, told me the following story: “Rising early one morning,” he said, “I heard the baying of a score of deerhounds in pursuit of their quarry. Looking away to a broad, open field in front of me, I saw a young fawn making its way across, and giving signs, moreover, that its race was well-nigh run. Reaching the rails of the enclosure, it leaped over and crouched within ten feet from where I stood. A moment later two of the hounds came over, when the fawn ran in my direction and pushed its head between my legs. I lifted the little thing to my breast, and, swinging round and round, fought off the dogs. I felt, just then, that all the dogs in the West could not, and should not capture that fawn after its weakness had appealed to my strength. So is it, when human helplessness appeals to Almighty God.
Well do I remember when the hounds of sin were after my soul, until, at last, I ran into the arms of Almighty God.”
A. C. Dixon
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
19th Anniversary Yesterday.
Yep folks Yesterday was our 19th Anniversary. Scary thought though, seeing it only feels like a couple of years ago. Still it's great to be able to say we are still in love after all that time. The Lord has been exceptionally good to us in that time. Indeed we can simply say that He supplies all our need. What a God, what a Saviour. As a hymn writer once expressed, " Oh ! what a Christ have I !". Ber is still in love with me too. What a joy she is .
I'm Sick ! I just don't feel sick!
I hate being unwell, particularly when I feel fine. I got up Sunday morning with a rash on both my arms and fingers and feet. Came home from work last evening with a sore left foot, took off my shoes and socks and, after the house was deemed safe to re-enter discovered a number of very large water blisters. YUCH ! Went to a Doctor this morning and he told me my autoimmune system had flared up. I'm on steroids now ! He wants me to stay out of work for a few days. I hate being out. HEY ! am I getting any sympathy here !?
Friday, August 28, 2009
How's your hearing ?
I was reminded of something today. It takes me back over 30 years, when I was in secondary school. I was educated...... sorry ! dear people tried to teach me rather, in Rochestown College Co. Cork. There was a particular priest, Fr. Aengus OFM Cap. who was the most charming and interesting person one could imagine, who was my Art teacher and I suppose my mentor. Aengus was excellent in relating a good story and boy did he have stories !. But, I'm drifting from what I want to relay. I remember one time in Mass he delivered a sermon, which warned about how a message can alter when it is passed down by word of mouth. This was over 30 years ago and while then a Catholic I would have sat through countless sermons which would have left no impact. Amazingly this one has always stayed in my thoughts. It's quite a short story but the message is very profound as far as the Gospel Message is concerned. It goes like this.....
" In the First World War a group of soldiers were in a trench in sight of the enemy lines. Feeling that they had the advantage on their foe, the Commanding Officer sent a message back to the troops a few miles away. Not having any radio communications, the message was sent via Runners who would each go to a trench, give the word to another who would then run to the next trench etc. .
And so this message was passed by word of mouth via many many trenches until finally the last Runner arrived, breathless but relieved at the main force which was enormous and powerful. With a sharp intake of breath and great pride he passed on the Message to the Armys General. " SEND THREE AND FOURPENCE, WE'RE GOING TO A DANCE! "
A Goood Story with a serious warning. The Gospel is the greatest Message ever given to any one. It's a message of Love , Pardon, Forgiveness, GRACE ( i.e. the undeserved Mercy and Favour of God ), with the invitation of Jesus, "I am the door: by me if any man enters in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." John 10:9
A simple message sent out over 2000 years ago. Have you heard the Original Message ? Are you prepared to Advance or are you satisfied to make little of it ? The wrong message comes with a high cost. You can still get hold of the message as it was first given, it's called The Holy Bible. It holds a message for you today!.
" In the First World War a group of soldiers were in a trench in sight of the enemy lines. Feeling that they had the advantage on their foe, the Commanding Officer sent a message back to the troops a few miles away. Not having any radio communications, the message was sent via Runners who would each go to a trench, give the word to another who would then run to the next trench etc. .
And so this message was passed by word of mouth via many many trenches until finally the last Runner arrived, breathless but relieved at the main force which was enormous and powerful. With a sharp intake of breath and great pride he passed on the Message to the Armys General. " SEND THREE AND FOURPENCE, WE'RE GOING TO A DANCE! "
A Goood Story with a serious warning. The Gospel is the greatest Message ever given to any one. It's a message of Love , Pardon, Forgiveness, GRACE ( i.e. the undeserved Mercy and Favour of God ), with the invitation of Jesus, "I am the door: by me if any man enters in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." John 10:9
A simple message sent out over 2000 years ago. Have you heard the Original Message ? Are you prepared to Advance or are you satisfied to make little of it ? The wrong message comes with a high cost. You can still get hold of the message as it was first given, it's called The Holy Bible. It holds a message for you today!.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I have gotten sooooo lazy!
I bet you thought I had disappeared did'nt you. Eh ! well I did. It's quite a depressing time we all are in and I find it affects my Artistic endeavours. Art is so Mood inspired.... I often wonder what kind of mood Picasso was in when he painted those strange portraits he is famous for. Someone once said that they'd hate to run in to some of his female models. Two eyes on one side of the face !!!. Me ! I just make a mess of so many canvases and cast them off as failures. However, one carries on in ones attempt to capture that "moment in time" which will result in a work of art that will make one famous. So much for One, Me I'm going off my game trying to hit that right mood that will leave me with a painting that gives me a satisfied feeling.
Got a comission for a work which does not have to be completed until the end of the year, so that gives me a bit of a boost. I should be in better form by then surely. Watch this space.
Got a comission for a work which does not have to be completed until the end of the year, so that gives me a bit of a boost. I should be in better form by then surely. Watch this space.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Pause 4 a Thought Today

The most familiar of psalms can often be overlooked or at best just receive a nod of acknowledgment. As I have often been reminded, it has been quoted in many a Western or War Movie, but how many people stop and consider its very profound meaning and philosophy. Just looking at the opening line opens up avenues of thought which should offer essential encouragement in discouraging days. "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want, " or "I shall not lack (anything)". We are in times when much of what we have enjoyed in prosperous days is being eroded. Not only is our standard of living being affected but our very security ( financial ). Many a heart will tremble at the prospect of unemployment or reduced income and having to struggle. It sounds bleak. Without the presence of its shepherd a sheep will wander close to the cliff edge and indeed could fall over at any moment. But the Good Shepherd is an ever vigilant one and rescues the sheep from destruction and brings it along the safest path, the greenest path where there is ample provision and the peaceful path where there is perfect rest. I was a stupid sheep once, thinking it was cool to "live on the edge", never realising that death stalks our steps
then one night ( March 15th 1989) The Good Shepherd laid hold on me and my life was turned around. I can say without exaggeration that "The Lord is My Shepherd" and I have lacked nothing since that day. Here's the thought for today...... is The Lord your Shepherd?, can you afford Him not to be?.
then one night ( March 15th 1989) The Good Shepherd laid hold on me and my life was turned around. I can say without exaggeration that "The Lord is My Shepherd" and I have lacked nothing since that day. Here's the thought for today...... is The Lord your Shepherd?, can you afford Him not to be?.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Did anybody see where the Summer went?

Has anyone seen where the Summer went !. I'm sitting here and the rain is lashing down !. It seems only yesterday that Ber and myself were walking along the various routes of The Kerry Way which seem to surround the town of Sneem. Oh the bliss of a touch of sun and clean clean air. Great therapy for City Folk like us. We were taking a chance on staying in Ireland this year, but due to certain constraints placed upon us we opted to take an apartment connected to The Sneem Hotel, for the fortnight. Gooood choice, great weather and more importantly lovely people to deal with. This is our third stay at the hotel and we have never been disappointed. One lesson learnt: do not apply the brakes on a bike when your freewheeling down a hill and turning at the same time. Ouch ! is it a bird?, is it a plane?, Noooo it's SuperBren flying through the flippin' air. As they say, the flying is fine....landing causes the problem. A cracked rib, but the camera upon which I fell was intact.
We're both back at work now and I'm already looking forward to the next break ( not another rib!) .
Ber really enjoyed the rest and I have to say I was thrilled to see her getting some of her energy back, though I think she has still a bit of a way to go. But she's still got her looks and that ain't bad.
Friday, July 10, 2009
start of a beautiful friendship

Hi everyone,
I became soooo fed up trying to organise my web site that I decided to go blogging instead. In theory this is probably a good idea. In reality, Heaven only knows where this will lead. So watch this space and expect the unexpected. Believe me I'm flying blind on this one.
This shot was taken by Ber at the little pier in Sneem, near a park called the Garden of Senses. It was one of a number of beautiful days we enjoyed on holidays there. You just can't buy that kind of peace. I have plenty of ideas for paintings and I did a couple while on our break .....now to get the time to work on them. I'll post what I can of my photos & art as I go along .
Watch Out World here comes Bren !!!!!.
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